- IT602 桃園-首爾仁川提前至19:00起飛
- IT603 首爾仁川-桃園提前至7月24日23:30起飛,且航班編號調整為IT2603
- 以上皆為當地時間,且為24小時制
實際的航班起、降情況,將依天氣狀況調整,各航班最新離到時間,仍以各機場公佈為準。 Issued at: 23 July 2024 16:30 (GMT+8) Tigerair Taiwan’s current flights status Owing to typhoon impact and because of passengers’ safety, there will be flight change to Tigerair Taiwan’s flight. The affected flight on 24 July 2024 is listed as below:
- IT602 Taoyuan-Seoul (Icheon) will depart early at 19:00
The affected flight on 25 July 2024 is listed as below:
- IT603 Seoul (Icheon)-Taoyuan will depart early at 23:30 of 24 July, and the new flight code is IT2603.
- Time is shown as 24-Hours Clock and in local time.
The flights status might be changed anytime, the most updated flight schedule and actual departure time will be based on the announcement at the airport.(2024-07-23)