

一、重申人事業務手冊第十三篇第四章「員工優待機票申請及使用規定」(AV版) 6.1.「除ID50R1/ID00R1 機票外,ID00R2、C/ID90R2、 ID75R2、CI ZED 及聯航Zed 優待機票均不得預訂確認機位,倘先以可訂位機票訂妥確認座位後,再換以不可訂位之優待機票搭乘者,除應繳足所搭艙等之全額客票(年票)票面價外,應報請議處,並按情節停權。」


   (三) CI、AE執飛航線適用。



Notice to colleagues regarding the relevant procedures for purchasing tickets on the official website and reaffirm the employee ticket regulations to avoid duplicate booking violations. Please proceed accordingly.

  1. Reaffirm Chapter 4 of Chapter 13 in the Human Resources Business Manual "Regulations on Application and Use of Employee Preferential Air Tickets" (AV version) 6.1.Except for ID50R1/ID00R1 tickets, ID00R2, C/ID90R2, ID75R2, CI ZED and interline ZED tickets are unable to reserve confirmedseats. Those who reserved confirmed seats and then issued non-reservable tickets instead of the confirmed ticket, shall pay fullface-value(annual) ticket and will be reported to the disputeresolution center. The rights will be suspended according to the circumstances.
  2. To prevent colleagues who are not familiar with the booking process when purchasing tickets on the China Airlines official website, resulting in duplicate booking violations with employee preferential tickets(R2), the following is provided for clarification.

A.When purchasing tickets on the China Airlines official website, after completing the steps of filling in personal information and contact details, clicking the "Confirm" button, the booking will be completed and the ticket purchase and payment process will begin.
B.If the online ticket purchase process by credit card payment has not been completed, the reservation will remain on hold for one hour.
C.Applicable to routes operated by CI and AE.

  1. The above instructions will be included in the next edition of "Regulations on Application and Use of Employee Preferential Air Tickets".
  2. Please inform all colleagues in the unit and ask them to notify their dependents as well.

中華航空聯誼協會服務時段 台北週一至週五,上午9:00至中午12:00,下午13:30至16:30   高雄地區 志工值勤服務時間為 每週一, 三, 五, 上午半天09:00 ~12:00


中華航空「華航 60 全心 GO」
